Much ado about nothing

                                                             Twitter-Much ado about nothing  

I can not seem to understand the use of this social network tool as nothing more than somewhere to document one’s idle thoughts, or simple statements that might mean something to me, but no one else.  Am I in the dark, or just plain dumb?

Why bother using Twitter?

Does it hold any value as a social media marketing tool?

What’s it all about, Alfie?

Tell me otherwise, but it is my firm belief that the social media tool Twitter is much ado about nothing.  I call the tweeting concept “The Emporer has no clothes.”  I think that all the hype, chatter, buzz and falderall surrounding Twitter is a huge waste of time and energy, when in reality, the phenom is simply a glitzy catchall for the idle, small minded that need to tell the world every detail of their otherwise dull, boring lives.                                                                                  Twitter- The Weakest Link? 

I fully understand the vallue of social media in the marketing mix, but I also feel that if Twitter has any value whatsoever, it is the weakest link in the social media chain.

Within the past month, the owners of Twitter have been evaluating the possibility of going public, or being sold to another group.  It was reported recently (can’t remember who said it first) that even the stakeholders can’t seem to monetize the product, let alone it’s users doing anything of the sort as well. So what sort of value to the market does it portend to be?

Who of my readers is actually making money from the sole use of Twitter?  Please let me know, because I just don’t get it.  Sure it may be fun to follow the musings of celeb’s with all of their idle time, or the ramblings of the youths using the product, but really, folks, how valuable can “I am at the restaurant enjoying melon” be to anyone other than the nitwit that just sent the tweet?  Still more closely real, is there purpose to it, or is it just a toy to keep idle minds busy?  Again, call me uninformed or stupid, but I just can’t wrap my head around it.

As a seasoned professional (old geezer) maybe I am becoming senile, and am not capable of grasping the concept, but I utilize faceBook, LinkedIn, Plaxo and several other social networking sites, and I gain both exposure, readership and tangible benefit from each of them, monetizing my efforts.  I can’t seem to find the ROI on my time using Twitter as an individual product/resource.

Please enlighten me, all ye advocates of Twitter.  I would appreciate the insight.  If you agree with me, please also comment.

About davidjdunworth

Dunworth’s success comes from a simple belief; “I can sleep when I am dead; then there will be plenty of time for that!” Since the door to door days of his youth, Dunworth has opened, managed and sold more than 25 businesses, and works as a consultant to entrepreneurs and emerging enterprises. His advice for entrepreneurs desiring to grow quickly: “Find the busiest man or woman you can find and enlist their support. You’d be amazed at the results.”
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